About Eric
Eric is a licensed mental health counselor in the states of Vermont, New Mexico, and Hawai'i, hence the nomadic nature of his geographical location and practice. He is also an adjunct professor at Southwestern College and New Earth Institue at Santa Fe, NM. Eric has taught Human Development, and also Theories and Practice of Family Therapy to upcoming student therapist. For further detail of Eric's experience please click on Eric's LinkedIn profile or his credential link.
Eric's clinical orientation draws from systems theory in general as relationships are viewed in correlation with the individuals within it. He also incorperates Attachment Theory, Psychosynthesis, Sex Therapy, Solution Focused, as well as other skill and insight driven theoretical models.
Eric is also a Brazialian Jiu Jitsu practioner, fire performer, river kayaker, archer, and most overtly, a world travelor. All of which informs his worldview, lifestyle, and clinical lens.
If you have any additional questions about his practice, please feel free to ask. Finding a good fit in the personal work you pursue to do is influenced by the one you choose to work with. This influence is part clincial orientation as I have described mine above and the through the theraputic relationship that is conveyed by the therapist personality. Eric supports finding the match that works for you.